Hi, my name is Irina Tricarique
I'm a Data Analyst.

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I am a thesis student in International Relations, passionate about transforming data into impactful decisions. Always eager to learn and grow, I aim to contribute my knowledge and enthusiasm to projects that make a difference.

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Google Data Analysis: Bellabeat study case

R Studio - SQL - BigQuery - Tableau - Google Sheets

Data analysis of smarts devices in order to identify healthy patterns.

See Medium Post

Netflix Data Cleaning


Libraries, Data Exploration, Duplicate Removal, Null Value Handling, Outlier Detection, Visualization, and Spellcheck Correction.

See Notebook

Spotify Project

Python, Big Query, SQL, Power BI

Data cleaning and transformation using Python libraries. Processed null values, removed duplicates, handled outliers, and prepared the dataset for analysis and visualization. Analysis (SQL in BigQuery) and visualization (Power BI) coming soon.

See Notebook
